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Housing Societies redevelopment documents

What is the list of important Documents required for starting Redevelopment?

1. SocietyRegistrationCertificate.
2. 7/12Extract.
3. Formno.6fromRevenueOffice.
4. ConveyanceDeed/LeaseDeed/SaleDeed. 5. SearchReportandTitleCertificate.

6. IndexII
7. N.A.Order.
8. Development Agreement.
9. CitySurveyPlan.
10. Approved Building Plan. 11.Copy of I.O.D. 12.Commencement Certificate. 13.Occupation Certificate. 14.Completion Certificate.
15. Agreement for Sale.
16.Stamp Duty paid proof. 17.Registration Charges paid proof. 18. Appointment Letter.

What are the Documents needed to be prepared for Redevelopment?

  1. Feasibilityreport.

  2. Suggestionsfrommembers.

  3. PublicNoticeforinvitingtheTender.

  4. MinutesofvariousMeetings.

  5. CorrespondencewithdifferentAuthorities.

  6. Obtaining required permission from Deputy Registrar, BMC, ULC Department, Na

    Department etc.

  7. T ender Form.

  8. Summary of T enders received.

  9. Approval of Tenders in the General Body meetings and preparation of Draft and Final


10.Appointment letters to Advocate, Structural Engineers, Architect, Project Management

Consultant etc.

What are the various Documents and Agreements to be prepared in the process of Redevelopment?


1. Redevelopment Agreement.
2. IndemnityBondbytheDeveloper.
3. FormatofBankGuaranteefromtheBuilder.
4. PowerofAuthorityfromtheSocietytotheDeveloper.
5. Agreementforalternateaccommodation.
6. ConsentLettersfromthememberstotheSociety.
7. ConsentLettersfromthemembersoftheSocietytoBuilder/Developer/BMC.
8. MemorandumofUnderstanding(MOU)betweentheSocietyandBuilder/Developer. 9. AppointmentLetterfromtheSocietytotheBuilder/Developer.
10.Possession Letter from the Builder to the Members.
11.Application by new members to the Society for becoming members in Form no. 3. 12.Undertaking from the new members to the Society.
13.Format of the Resolution to admit new members.
14.List of Documents required to be collected from the Builder.
15.Revocation / Cancellation of Power of Attorney.

What are the requirements from the Developer?

  1. Partnership Deed of the Developer duly registered OR Memorandum of Association (as the case may be)

  2. CopyofRegistrationCertificate.

  3. NameandaddressofthePartners/DirectorsalongwiththeirPAN.

  4. Copy of P AN of the Firm.

  5. IncomeTaxReturnfiledforthelast3yearsofthePartners/DirectorsoftheCompany.

  6. Service T ax Registration no.

  7. Copy of Balance Sheet and P/L A/c to understand the financial strength of the Firm /


  8. FeasibilityReportfromtheDeveloperastohowtheywoulddevelopthePropertyatthe

    offers given by them.

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